Interview with Ümit Özçelik The date is January 10, 2020, the time is around 05:00 a.m.(local time), the place…
Solidarity Event for Grup Yorum and Mustafa Koçak
On 23.02.20 the Anatolian Federation Stuttgart branch (Stuttgart Halk Meclisi) at 14:00 organized a solidarity event for the socialist music…
The mother of a revolutionary died of a heart attack after a police raid in southern Turkey
On January 16, around 04:00 a.m., police SWAT teams, political police agents suported by gendarmerie units raided the homes of…
Nuova campagna del Fronte del Popolo turco: lotta alla tossicodipendenza e alla degenerazione
Alla fine di agosto, il Fronte del Popolo turco, ha annunciato l’inizio di una nuova campagna per combattere la tossicodipendenza…
New campaign of the Turkish People’s Front: fight against drug addiction and degeneration
At the end of August, the Turkish People’s Front announced the start of a new campaign to combat drug addiction…
The People’s Councils are now on the agenda. They were much discussed, albeit not in a very progressive way. It…
Consejos populares: el pueblo en el camino de poder y autogestión
Democracia representativa que antes era sinónimo de libertad y la expresión de la voluntad popular, hasta una parte de pequeña…