He was born on March 27th, 1987 in Ankara. He is a child of a family that the father was from Ardahan, and mother from Erzincan. He met with revolutionaries on 2007 at Ankara University Faculty of Humanities. When he first met with them he was at the rank of EMEP. He left EMEP youth and joined the rank of DEV-GENC, after People?s Liberation Warrior Kevser Mirzak was fallen at a clash with cops ??in Ankara, and then he continued his struggle as Dev-Genc member.
He was taken in custody several times during his democratic struggle in Ankara, and on 2008 he spent 4 months prison time. He took several responsibilities at Istanbul Gazi Province and Okmeydani between 2011 and 2012. He was arrested by December at 2012, and imprisoned at Tekirdag No 1 F type prison. After his release on December 2014, without hesitation he run into the struggle with conscious to bring to account.
He was fallen as Justice warrior of CEPHE.