The meeting in the Küçükesat district of Ankara in December 1970 and the founding of THKP-C

The year is 1970. The People’s Liberation Party and Front of Turkey (in Turkish Türkiye Halk Kurtuluş Partisi-Cephesi THKP-C) is in a founding process. In December of that year, a Provisional General Committee of 11 people was elected at a meeting in a house, in the Küçükesat district of Ankara. A three-member Central Committee which is part of the General Committee, was also elected on this meeting. The Provisional General Committee consisted of the following names: Mahir Çayan, Yusuf Küpeli, Münir Aktolga, Ertuğrul Kürkçü, Bingöl Erdumlu, Hüseyin Cevahir, Ulaş Bardakçı, Ziya Yılmaz, Sina Çıladır, Orhan Savaşçı and Sırrı Öztürk.

According to the distribution of tasks, the members of the Central Committee – Mahir Çayan and Münir Aktolga are in charge of developing the detailed ideological and political views of the organization, and Yusuf Kupeli will take on the task of disseminating these views at mass meetings.

Of the members of the General Committee, Ziya Yılmaz is in charge of work in the Black Sea region of Turkey, Ertuğrul Kürkçü will lead the work among the youth, Hüseyin Cevahir will work in Kurdistan (the eastern part of Turkey), İrfan Uçar will work in southern Anatolia, Bingöl Erdumlu and Sina Çıladır will work among the workers, and Orhan Savaşçı will work in the army. Ulaş Bardakçı was assigned the task of preparing the urban guerrilla struggle.

Yes, as Mahir Çayan wrote later, in December 1970, “in the broadest sense of the word, a proletarian revolutionary organization was born.”

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