Political prisoner Didem Akman: Hear my voice

On August 3, the 167th day of her Death Fast resistance(hunger strike till death), political prisoner Didem Akman met with her mother and older sister. The visit took place on the occasion of the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, due to the regime in which those sentenced to life imprisonment, such as Didem Akman, she was able to meet with each of her relatives separately for 15 minutes.

After the visit, Didem’s mother gave information about her current condition. Didem is well mentally and in high spirit, but has lost a lot of weight due to the advanced stage of the Death Fast. There are wounds on Didem’s leg that became infected. The revolutionary woman, is alone in her isolation cell and have difficult to take care of herself. Now water from the sewer upstairs is running directly to her cell. Although she has repeatedly complained to the administration of the Şakran isolation prison, located near Izmir, where she is being held, nothing has been done to fix the problem.

Didem Akman asked her mother to publicize this information and called on her comrades and people who support her struggle for the improvement of the prison conditions to protest this torture which is done by running water from sewer directly into her cell.

People’s Front – Turkey, called on all people in solidarity with the struggle of political prisoner Didem Akman to send protest emails and faxes to the Turkish Ministry of Justice.

Emails can be as follows(Turkish version is bellow the English translation, you can send the Turkish version of the text)

To the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Turkey

Didem Akman, who was sentenced to life imprisonment and is being held in Izmir Women’s Prison, has been on a Death Fast(hunger strike till death) for 169 days. Akman, who raises completely humane demands such as improving prison conditions due to the advanced stages of the Death Fast, is no longer able to meet on her own needs. Because she is in a solitary cell, she has no one else to rely on for help with daily activities.

To meet her needs, Didem Akman, who is on a Death Fast, has asked for an attendant to be allowed to stay together in her cell. This demand must be accepted immediately, and an attendant must be allowed to stay together with Didem Akman.

Also, according to the latest known information, in the cell where Didem Akman is being held, water from the sewer flows from the cells located on the upper floor above her cell, and this does pose a serious risk to the health and life of Akman. This problem must be solved without wasting more time.

The fully humane demands of Didem Akman and Özgür Karaya, who are being held in isolation prison in the city of Izmir, who is on Death fast together with her, must be accepted immediately.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Adalet Bakanlığına

İzmir Kadın Kapalı Ceza İnfaz kurumunda tutulan, müebbet hapis hükümlüsü Didem Akman 169 gündür Ölüm Orucunda. Hapishane şartlarının düzeltilmesi vb. gibi insani talepler dile getiren Akman, Ölüm Orucunun ilerlemesi yüzünden artık kendi ihtiyaçlarını karşılayamaz durumdadır. Tek kişilik hücrede tutulduğu için yanında şu an kimse bulunmamaktadır.

Ölüm Orucunda olan Didem Akmanın kendi ihtiyaçlarını karşılaması için yanına bir refakçi’nin alınmasını talep etmiştir. Bu talep derhal karşılanmalı ve Didem Akman’a bir refakatçi sağlanmalıdır.

Ayrıca son alınan bilgiye göre Didem Akmanın tutulduğu hücreye üst katta bulunan hücrelerden lağım suyu akmakta ve bu Akmanın hayatını ve sağlını ciddi bir risk altına sokmaktadır. Bu sorun daha fazla vakit kaybetmeksizin çözülmelidir.

Didem Akman ile birlikte Ölüm Orucu eylemini sürdüren İzmir 1 Nolu T Tipi Kapalı Ceza İnfaz Kurumu’nda bulunan Özgür Karakaya insani talepleri derhal kabul edilmelidir.

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E-Mail : info@adalet.gov.tr

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